Crystal Spider

Crystal Spider
Can Be Tamed
Glassweb Spider
43-45Searing Gorge
Attack speed: 2.0
Can Be Tamed
Spire Spiderling
55-56Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
Attack speed: 1.5

Cannot Be Tamed
Hedrum the Creeper
BossThe Ring of Law, Blackrock Depths (Dungeon)
Hedrum is one of the bosses that may spawn in the last wave of the Ring of Law event. The boss that appears is chosen randomly.
Cannot Be Tamed
Mother Smolderweb
BossSkitterweb Tunnels, Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)
The third boss of the dungeon.
Cannot Be Tamed
Crystal Fang
BossSkitterweb Tunnels, Blackrock Spire (Dungeon)