Green Scarab w/ Blue Spots

There are 2 tameable creatures with this look.

Green Scarab w/ Blue Spots
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Can Be Tamed
Halls of Origination (Dungeon)
Can Be Tamed
30-35Obelisk of the Stars, Uldum
Found during a quest phase for the Harrison Jones quests in the original (pre-N'Zoth Invasion) phase of the zone. Speak to Zidormi in Ramkahen if you need to switch time phases.
Cannot Be Tamed
10-50Island Expeditions (Scenario)
A possible encounter on Dread Chain, Molten Cay, Skittering Hollow, Un'gol Ruins, Verdant Wilds, Whispering Reef.
Cannot Be Tamed
11-51Island Expeditions (Scenario)
A possible encounter on any island, except maybe Crestfall, Rotting Mire, and Snowblossom Village.
Level scaling: In Shadowlands most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.