Elusive Ironbeak Umbraclaw

Can be tamed.

Level:70 Elite
Zone:The Emerald Dream
Requires Feathermane Taming.Required Skill: Feathermane Taming
You must learn a special skill to tame Feathermanes. It is taught by a Tome of the Hybrid Beast. See our guide for the pre-requisite achievements.
4 possible appearances:
Location & Notes:

Located in The Emerald Dream. There's a chance this beast will appear when you use an Elusive Creature Bait in the Emerald Dream zone of the Dragon Isles. This bait item can only be crafted and used by players with Dragon Isles Skinning. To have a chance to summon an Elite Elusive creature you must spend 20 points in the Mastery subspecialization of Bait Crafter (Dragon Isles Skinning - see your Skinning journal in your professions panel). To create Elusive Creature Bait you must have levelled Dragon Isles Skinning to the point where you can select the Bait Crafter specialization (see your skinning journal inside your professions panel) and spend at least 10 points of Knowledge in it.
